Friday, January 30, 2009

Out of the house finally!

YEAH - I was sooooooooooooo ready to come in to work today. 2 days in the house with both kids and the hubby is plenty! I love the fact that I have the flexibility and can work from home when able, but it's also nice to get out of the house and come to work - especially on Fridays - no students, just me and the MPS player blasting! :-)

As you saw in yesterdays post, the girls have been enjoying the snow at home - they got their Dad to take them to the park in Albany yesterday for a little sledding. Today, they are supposed to go to the reservoir for some sledding - pray for no broken bones and that nothing gets twisted!

David was supposed to go back to the Dr Wednesday to get his stitches out and hopefully, get released to go back to work - but, the snow closed the Dr's office. So, now he doesn't go back until next Tuesday - he's itching to get back to work too.

Isn't it weird how we complain about going to work everyday, but then give us a few days off and we are ready to go back?? Well, some us anyway. :-)

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