Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Multiple Blessings

I've been reading a book I requested and received for Christmas, "Multiple Blessings, Surviving to Thriving the Twins to Sextuplets" written by Jon & Kate Gosselin from the Jon & Kate Plus 8 tv show. Now, first of all - I DO NOT VOLUNTARILY READ! I've always hated reading and have never been able to get in to just leisurely or voluntarily reading a book. When I start reading, I can't concentrate or absorb what I'm reading because my mind wanders and starts thinking of everything else I should be doing. So, the fact that I even requested the book is a miricle in itself! But, I'd heard a lot about it and how Kate writes a lot about her faith in God during their pregnancy with the sextuplets and beyond. I deperately want to develop a deeper relationship with God and trust in my faith, so, I thought this would be a good place to start. Plus, I watch the show regularly and think they are great people and marvel at what they do.

Each time I pick up the book to begin reading, I have to make myself stop. Sunday, I almost finished it (I have 1 chapter plus some of Kate's journal entries to finish). I made myself stop because I needed to get off the couch and take care of a couple things. This couple are amazing! Within 5 years, they had 10 children - first twins, then sextuplets. Jon lost his job TWICE and was unemployed from pretty much the onset of her pregnancy with the sextuplets...and Kate's faith in God is unbelievable! Can you imagine being an unemployed father of twins, your wife is pregnant an on bed-rest with sextuplets and you literally have no income coming in?? There were so many obstacles they faced and so many chances to question why...but they never did...and still don't.

I would highly recommend the book to anyone struggling with their faith in God or wanting to strengthen your faith. It's definately been a good place to start for me and I'm actually looking forward to finding my next reading assignment in this same venue. Any suggestions??

1 comment:

Kris Sorensen said...

We watch this show "religiously" at our house. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the book.