Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Adventure part 2

Well, the first guard competition of the year is over and we all survived...and they placed 3rd. I was really impressed with all of the girls. It also brought back a lot of good memories...especially the smell of hairspray...I didn't know they still sold Aquanet! LOL

Here are a few pictures:
Well - my internet connection isn't cooperating at the moment, so I'll have to try the pictures another time. It keeps timing out and reloading. Sorry!

I finally flew solo in the 2-3 year old classroom at church today. I was supposed to do this 2 weeks ago - and I ended up sick, then last Sunday, we didn't make it due to the ice and weather. Of course, I had some helpers too - thanks to Melissa and Abby for the extra hands. I always freak out and get all stressed out before things like this, but once I get all seems to come together. The only bad part is I hear Pastor Pink delivered a great service today - guess I'll have to get the dvd! That is one of the area's I always struggle with when it comes to helping out during service - I don't like missing service or worship. Haven't decided yet whether I'm going to commit to anymore "teaching"...we'll have to pray on that one and see where God leads me.

Glad to hear that the mission team has landed safely in Jamaica. I hope you'll join me in praying for them.

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