Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Expect the unexpected

I need to learn to deal with the unexpected better...like arriving at work and finding the whole staffing plan for the day blown outta the water...darn sickness! We knew yesterday that we would be short staffed today and had a plan worked out for coverage where needed, then of course - the unexpected happens and someone is sick. We made the best of it and got through - but it starts the day out stressful...and then

A family arrives for a conference with contracted service providers and there's no administrative staff to chair it in the building. Lovely...thank goodness for technology and conference calls! That's the nice thing about having 2 locations...someone from Indy chaired the conference via conference call - not the ideal situation - but one that works in a pinch...and then

A program speaker slated to speak to our middle school students doesn't arrive when expected and a phone call placed finds that he has us on his schedule right smack in the middle of our student lunch periods. Thank goodness for flexible people and schedules, as we were able to push him back to accomodate our schedule...and then

Well, it's only 11:15 am - so we'll see what's next on the unexpected horizon later today.

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