Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My teeth hurt!

I had a dentist appointment today for my 6 month cleaning/check-up...and my teeth hurt! Hmm, maybe some ice cream will help - yep, but it would. :-)

I'm also procrastinating...I need to be in the kitchen cooking, but I don't like to cook, so I'm putting if off. I have 2 occasions to cook for tomorrow. First is food for a funeral dinner we are having after my great aunt's funeral tomorrow and second is for a New Year's Eve gathering at a friend's home.
Seems kind of strange to think about attending a funeral tomorrow afternoon, then ring in the new year a few hours later.

I also need to do some laundry, run the sweeper, and take down the Christmas tree and all the other seasonal decorations. So, there's a whole lotta procrastination going on here.

1 comment:

Keym said...

Just loose yourself on face book. Its much easier :0)