Sunday, December 28, 2008

Promise Land

So today I "observed" in the 2-3 year old room at FFC as I have been asked to teach for this group for the month of January. I've had mixed feelings about it since being asked...I love kids of all ages and being a Mom and veteran Girl Scout leader - teaching isn't a new concept to me. But, I've never had much confidence when it comes to teaching from the Bible - no matter what age the students are. I've helped out in Big KidZone and even did a couple of teaching gigs for Lil KidZone when we had the Saturday night service (I think 2 was my highest attendance) :-) For some reason though, I've just been very nervous about this go round. So, I agreed to observe this week and see how it went.

I have to admit, I didn't have the best of intentions when I showed up this am. I kinda had the "show up, do my time, then turn down the request" intention going. But, by the time noon came around, I'd had a change of "intentions" I guess you could say. Don't get me wrong, I'm still nervous and kind of freakin out at actually being in charge next pray for me this week - ALOT please! Fortunately, my oldest daughter, Abby, has been helping Neva with Lil KidZone for over a year and has been in the 2-3 year old room since they seperated and moved into the new areas, so she knows the routine and most of the kiddos...and she's been informed that her assignment has been "extended". LOL. Which, if fine with her, she loves it in there.

So, if you have little ones in the 2-3 year old room at FFC, forgive me if I call them by the wrong name or don't recongnize which child is yours at soon as the butterflies leave my stomach and I stop stressing on the "teaching" stuff, the names/faces will start to register and stick with me!


Mommy pfohl said...

I'm sure you will do great! it is so much fun being in there! I work next door in discorery land most often! Joey will give you a run for your money! you know those pastor's kids! :) I will pray for you! -Mindy

Keym said...

Brave! You deserve a medal! I helped wit Big KidZone for awhile but with everything else and scheduling it just got to be too much so I bowed out. I understand where you are coming from as far as the whole "show up do my time then decline" :0) It is awesome that it moved you and gave you the "umph" to step out of your comfort zone! Congratulations, we need more people like you to step up! Thanks.

Kris Sorensen said...

Thank you so much for serving at church and blessing our children!