Monday, December 29, 2008

Shopping with kids

Took Holly to the mall yesterday after church to spend her Christmas gift cards - tried to talk her in to waiting until today, so then we'd only have to make one trip. Abby wanted to wait until today because she didn't want to miss youth. No such luck! So, today was trip #2 to the mall. Now, normally, I would love to go shopping - but I think I'm shopped out for awhile. Both of the girls had gift cards for Old Navy and Rue 21 to spend. Now, normally, Abby doesn't have a problem and Holly is the one that takes FOREVER! Just the opposite this go 'round. Holly was in and out yesterday and got just what she wanted. Today however, Abby couldn't find anything to fit her, got frustrated, and then exhibited the typical "teenage attitude". So, after about 2 hours at the mall and a headache...we headed home.

In Abby's defense though - I understand her frustration...why is it that t-shirts now days have to fit skin tight or are made for stick people???

1 comment:

Derek Chalfant said...

I feel your pain, teenage daughters are no fun to take shopping.